Cha Cha Cha CHIA Seed Pudding

With school in session and summer coming to a close, more and more easy meal prepped meals are necessary. Since being in High School, meal prepping has been a big part of my evening routine. It actually has become meditative to me and it is a form of self love. I am taking the time to prepare nutritious fuel for my body. Meal prepping lunches for school isn't the only thing I prep. Breakfast is a big one and it can be hard to actually make delicious food in the morning when you are half asleep at 6am. So here is one of my favorite recipes to make either the night before or if you are really on your game then you can make it on sunday and make enough batches for your week. Each batch makes two servings :)


  • 2 cups strain-free cashew milk or store bought non-dairy milk
  • 2 tsp cinnamon, cacao powder, or maca (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1-2 tbs agave or other liquid sweetener
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds
  • Optional toppings incl. nuts, seeds, coconut, dark choc, etc


  1. In a medium bowl combine all the ingredients
  2. Whisk for a few minutes until it becomes noticeably thicker
  3. Divide evenly into your container of choice. I like to use mason jars
  4. Top with your toppins of choice to add some texture
  5. Enjoy!
Jane Olivia

Vegan blogger with a message to share:

Veganism doesn't have to be hard, unappetizing, or unhealthy. I here to show people how to make delicious healthy recipes free of many allergens like gluten but with an extra healthy twist. Many of the recipes are completley grain-free, refined sugar-free, oil-free, and made with ingredients that are of course plant based and as close to the whole plant form as possible. There less processed it is, the better. I also write blog posts on living a vegan lifestyle. Veganism isn't just about not eat animals and their byproducts, but also not buying leather or buying cosmetic products from companies who test on animals. I am here to help people on their journey to a life free of cruelty but full of positivity and happiness. I share my vegan story, cruelty free skin care routine, makeup routines, eco-friendly household products, ethical fashion, yoga and meditation, zero waste essentials, how to throw a vegan party, pantry essentials, and so many more!

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