Pink Raspberry Pancakes

These pancakes are so cute & fun! Perfect for Valentine's Day or any day to cheer you up! I love making my food fun colors...I think it makes it taste better :) No artificial colors in these bad boys! Only natural color from plant foods. I never recommend using artificial coloring in your food, or anything for that matter. Food dye is not real food, it's just chemicals put together in a lab. Blah. There are so many ways to get a beautiful pink color naturally. I chose to make a syrup but feel free to experiment! Make these pancakes for your loved ones (or just for yourself) & they are sure to put a smile on their face! They are oil-free & refined sugar-free. These pancakes can also be made gluten-free & grain-free as well!

Raspberry Syrup (aka the pink color)



  • 3/4 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 cup water


  1. Place the water & raspberries in a small saucepan
  2. Heat on medium-low for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally
  3. When it is done, the raspberries should have broken down and become bubbly & fairly thick
  4. Using a fine mesh strainer, press the syrup through, hopefully leaving the seeds & pulp behind. This process gives you a perfectly smooth syup
  5. Use in the pancakes or store in the fridge for drizzling or spreading



  • 1 cup flour (whole wheat, oat, buckwheat, etc)
  • 2 tsp aluminum free baking powder
  • 2 tbs coconut sugar
  • 1 cup non dairy milk
  • 1/2 cup raspberry syrup
  • 2 tbs unsweetened apple sauce


  1. In a large bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, & coconut sugar) with a whisk/spatula

  2. Add in the non dairy milk, syrup, & apple sauce

  3. Gently fold together until there are no more lumps of flour

  4. Preheat a nonstick pan on medium-low heat

  5. Form pancakes in the pan using about 1/4 cup of batter per pancake

  6. Cook on each side for 5-6 minutes, you don't want them too dark or else you won't be able to see the pretty color!

  7. When you flip them, they should look slightly dry on top with bubbles

  8. Once you have used all of your batter you can get creative with your topping & presentation! After all these are PINK PANCAKES!! I like to cut some out using heart cookie cutters to add some extra cuteness! I love adding sliced bananas, a drizzle of almond butter, coconut, & cacao nibs! Feel free to do what you like!

  9. Enjoy!!

Jane Olivia

Vegan blogger with a message to share:

Veganism doesn't have to be hard, unappetizing, or unhealthy. I here to show people how to make delicious healthy recipes free of many allergens like gluten but with an extra healthy twist. Many of the recipes are completley grain-free, refined sugar-free, oil-free, and made with ingredients that are of course plant based and as close to the whole plant form as possible. There less processed it is, the better. I also write blog posts on living a vegan lifestyle. Veganism isn't just about not eat animals and their byproducts, but also not buying leather or buying cosmetic products from companies who test on animals. I am here to help people on their journey to a life free of cruelty but full of positivity and happiness. I share my vegan story, cruelty free skin care routine, makeup routines, eco-friendly household products, ethical fashion, yoga and meditation, zero waste essentials, how to throw a vegan party, pantry essentials, and so many more!

Hearty Immune Boosting Soup


Oil-Free Granola Bars